Full conference activity |
(selected) tALKS AND ABSTRACTS --before covid19
[1] Making Sense of Defective Information: Partiality and Big Data in Astrophysics (with Otávio Bueno) CLMPST 2019, Prague, August 5-10, 2019. [2] "Is there anything special about the type of defectiveness involved in Big Data? Some reflections on ignorance and Astrophysics" The International Association for Computing and Philosophy – Annual Meeting 2019. June 5-7, 2019, Mexico City, Mexico. [3] "Can we have a hierarchical model of Scientific Understanding? A response to Batens" Understanding Defectiveness in the Sciences, June 3-4, 2019, UNAM, Mexico. [4] “Inconsistent Reasoning in the Sciences and Strategic-Logical Pluralism” 70th Anual Meeting of the New Mexico-Texas Philosophical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA, April 5-6, 2019. Comments by Mary Gwin (San Diego Mesa College). [5] “Contradiction, triviality, inconsistency toleration and other misunderstandings in the empirical sciences” [INVITED] 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Workshop ‘Reflections on Paraconsistency’, June 25, 2018. [6] “Rational Choice: When and how is it (ir)rational to go-paraconsistent in science?” Normativity across Disciplines, UNAM, Mexico, October 21-23, 2018. [7] “Paraconsistent Heuristics, Inconsistent Information and Scientific Practice” Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Seventh Biennial Conference, Gent, Belgium, June 30-July 2nd, 2018. [8] “Classicalists vs. Paraconsistentists: Unfolding the secret similarities” 37th Dutch-Flemish Day of Philosophy, Amsterdam, Holland, September 16, 2017. [9]“Clasicalistas vs. Paraconsistentistas: Tolerando demasiadas diferencias y casi ninguna diferencia” [INVITED] Society for Women In Philsophy-Analytic México, evento inaugural, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas-UNAM, Marzo 28, 2017. [10] “Inconsistency and theory choice in the reconstruction of scientific episodes: The case of heterogenesis andbiogenesis” Testing Philosophical Theories Against the History of Science, Oulu, Finland. September 21-22, 2015. [11] “Inconsistencies between Theory and Observation and Chunk and Permeate” 3rd IIFs-UNAM Philosophy Graduate Conference, Mexico, February 8, 2017. [12] “What is so Bad about Inconsistent Science?” (First author, joint work with Luis Estrada-González) workshop The Place of Inconsistent Science in Scientific Pluralism, UNAM, Mexico. 5-6 September 2016. [13] “Functional and Inconsistent Theories: A Classification” Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics, Munich, Germany, 11-13 June 2014 |